Nonlinear optical crystal
LiTaO3 (LT) Crystal
The chemical properties of LiTaO3 single crystal are steady and its mechanical are good. Its curie temperature is high. LT crystal has good electro-optical, piezo-electric and pyro-electric propertie..

The chemical properties of LiTaO3 single crystal are steady and its mechanical are good. Its curie temperature is high. LT crystal has good electro-optical, piezo-electric and pyro-electric properties, so it is an excellent material for the making of SAW devices for color TV filters, infrared pyro-electric detectors and broad band high stability piezoelectric devices. Besides, LT crystal is also one of the light refractive materials that have applications in the laser technique. The Pyro-electric devices made by LT crystal are also connercialized.
Electro-optic device, Laser frequency multiplier, Acoustic-optic Device
Crystal Class
point Group
Space Group
Lattice Parameter (nm)
a=0.5154. c=1.3781
Melting Point
1650 ℃
7.46 g/cm3
Curie Temp
630 ℃
5.5 Mohs
Transparency Range
400--5000 nm
Refractive Index
electro-optic Coefficient
r= 30.4 ×10-12m/V
Gradient of Refractive index
5 ×105/cm
Dimension tolerance
Wedge Angle tolerance
Optical axis orientation
λ/4@633 nm
Surface Quality